lainey schooltree

improvised astro-entertainment

  • 32 members
  • 66 posts
  • $186.9/month

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prance with me in the dark shrouds of this secret, ancient order, treemason. this tier includes access to the LSTTV VOD archive (almost every episode ever!) and patron-only news and updates.

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you are sublime. not like the band, although you can be if you really want to. in addition to access to the LSTTV VOD archive (almost every episode ever!) and patron-only news and updates, you'll also get behind the scenes video updates and see what i'm working on for the show.

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your heart is pure, your soul is radiant with the fire of a thousand stars. in addition to access to the LSTTV VOD archive (almost every episode ever!), patron-only news and updates, and behind the scenes video updates on the LSTTV process, you will also get one-on-one evaluation of and advice on your own audio and/or video production. This includes reviewing your song mixes or your videos / livestreams and providing feedback and assistance with improvements.

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lainey schooltree

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